Friday, October 4, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Well I caved...I'm in love with Birkenstocks

Ever since the Birkenstock fever started thanks to the Céline RTW SS2013 fashion show, I haven't been really a fan, at first I thought What was Phoebe Philo thinking? Has she gone mad?...But now that I've seen the trend on the streets I'm in love. What's better than the mix of fashion and comfort?
Top Theory
Pants 3.1 Philip Lim
Bag Marc Jacobs
Shoes Birkenstonck
Hat Saint Laurent
Earrings Dannijo

Shirt J. Crew
Sport Bra Nike
Shorts J Brand
Bag Samudra
Shoes Birkenstock
Sunglasses Illesteva